
by Helen Meredith 27 August 2024
Reception Ready Part 3
by Helen Meredith 19 August 2024
Reception Readiness - Part 2
by Helen Meredith 27 July 2024
Welcome to our Reception Readiness series where throughout the summer holidays we’ll be sharing ideas and advice for getting your little ones ready for their next big adventure of starting school.
by Steph Standing 31 May 2024
Child Development - Visual Tracking
by Steph Standing 22 May 2024
Child Development - Inhibitory Control
by Helen Meredith 21 April 2024
Re-usable Nappies……Where Do I Start? I first looked into reusable nappies in 2018, when my first born was 6 months old. I had thought about reusables prior to having children but when he arrived I just went with disposables, I think I was more excited about having a new baby than anything else! At 6 months, on Instagram, I saw an advert and it reminded me of my original interest. A cute fluffy cloth bum can do that to you! I had no idea where to start though!!!! We had no nappy library near to us, so I was doing mainly research online and stumbled across a brand, bought a starter kit and hoped for the best. It wasn’t great. The nappies were good but I had no idea about boosters, how to secure the nappy and fix it, even how to wash! Subsequently we had so many leaks, I just put them back in the box. Only a few weeks later- I found out I was pregnant with my second child. We had moved area a couple months prior to finding out I was expecting, to Essex (where my husband is from) and luckily found a reusable nappy library and expert! She came to our house as part of her service and stayed with us for a few hours talking about all the types of nappies available (two parters, wraps, pockets, all in one) and the difference in materials- microfibre, bamboo etc and spoke very anecdotally too. She had a load to feel and try (on a doll) and did offer a hire service. Instead, we got out my old stash I had bought for my son, and made a vow to give it another go with what we had. When my daughter arrived the following spring, we went into it with a mix of reusable and disposable to get us used to it, and to process mistakes and make improvements if we needed. We could also try a nappy at a time and build up our stash from there. As you can see from the pictures of my tiny newborn, getting the fit right was a struggle!! But if at first you don’t succeed…. For me, pocket nappies stashed with boosters is my favourite nappy to use, and I prefer poppers to velcros but this is completely personal! That’s why it’s important to just try as many styles as you can, either through a library or checking marketplaces and Vinted. If you are lucky to have a voucher incentive that’s an additional bonus!! I’m now using reusables with my youngest daughter, who was born in October 2022. We still have the odd leak but my confidence (and collection!!) has soared and I’m so proud of my little cloth bum babe. My top tips are; 👶 hire nappies (from a library) or buy preloved (Facebook and Vinted) to try different styles of nappy (if you aren’t lucky to get the voucher incentive) 👶 you can also use groups on Facebook and social media for ideas (clothbumz UK is a good one) 👶 with disposable nappies you flare out the tabs around the bum- DONT do this with cloth. In fact, tuck it in (this prevents leaks) 👶 grab a bucket or fabric pail to put dirty nappies in at home by your washing machine (this will prevent smells) 👶 similarly don’t forget a wet bag for nappies when out and about! Heidi Trask - Mum of 3 Attends The Mummas Village classes in Godalming
17 November 2023
Ellie's Story
by Helen Meredith 15 November 2023
Baby Loss Awareness Week - Rachel's story
15 November 2023
The arrival of a new sibling can be such an overwhelming time for a little person, I wanted to share some of my top tips with you:-  🚼 - When you are pregnant don't blame not being unable to do things on the baby. "I can't carry you because of the baby in my tummy" or "I can't play on the floor because of the baby" can lead the older child to resenting their new sibling before they have even arrived! Baby is ruining all the things to love to do with mummy! Instead just say its too difficult for you "I can't pick you up right now as my back is sore, how about we hold hands instead?" or "I wont' be able to get back up if I sit on the floor, how about we put the train set on the table today"  ✨ - When the older child meets their new sibling for the first time make sure that its not mummy who is holding the baby. Whether you are in hospital or at home either pop the baby in their crib or leave them in the car seat for a few moments and greet your older child with free, open arms to give them the giant hugs you have no doubt both been missing with a bump in the way!  🎁 - Get the older child a gift from the new baby, something you think they will really love and be excited about and take them shopping to buy a gift for their new baby when it arrives. Let them pick a special new cuddly toy or the home from hospital outfit.  🤱 - When feeding the new baby just as you would set yourself up with a drink, snack, phone and remote control in easy reach ready for those epic newborn feeding session, ensure you do the same for the older child. So have a drink, snack, game, potty, ipad/tablet, peppa pig on loop ready to go before you sit down.  👼 - Even the most chilled out, calm little people can struggle with the arrival of a new baby in the home. I've heard bringing a new baby home compared to your partner bringing a third person in to your relationship and telling you "its ok, I love you both the same!", its tough going for your older child! Give them time, cuddle them and kiss them and tell them how much you love them ALL THE TIME! Its total normal to have regression of potty training, sleeping, feeding themselves, anything really! They may crave being the baby again. Be patient, it will pass.  📸 - Show the older child photos and videos of them as a baby. The won't remember that time so tell them all about how they spent all day snuggled on your chest and how much fun you had together getting to know one another. Tell them about the time when it was just the 2 of you and how special and magical that was and how much they compare or differ to their sibling. Then tell them all about the future fun they will have with their sibling and let them take photos of their new baby too.  💞 - Its a big change for them and you, but I promise it is worth it! The love you have in your heart now doesn't need to be shared or divided. When the new baby arrives they bring with them a whole heap of new love for the family x   Steph Standing Co-Founder & Director The Mummas Village Limited 
by Helen Meredith 14 October 2023
Baby Loss Awareness 2023 - Emma's story
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